Google Doc Instructions
First, make sure you have the EGWG Member emails of those who offer critique services entered into your address book. Those email addresses have been provided to the EGWG membership in a separate email.
Copy the document you want to share.
Go to docs.google.com.
Click on the “+” to begin a new document (it may be on the upper left) and paste your document into the “Blank Page” in the upper left corner of the screen.

Go to File menu and choose Rename to give your document a title.
Click on the blue Share Button at the top right of the screen.

Another box will open.

Select the people to receive the document. Addresses you have used in the past will be entered automatically when you type the first few letters. New addresses will have to be added completely. Click Send to send the notification emails.
THAT’S IT. Those individuals you selected will make comments in the right margin of your Google Doc work, and you can go into your document and read, revise and/or respond to each comment.